How to Survive a Plane Ride with a Baby

Surviving a plane ride with a baby

Flying with a baby is an intimidating task for many parents. The thought of keeping your little one calm, content, and mess-free for a long-haul flight can be overwhelming. However, with some strategic planning and preparation, you can make the journey smooth and enjoyable for both you and your baby.

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Here are 7 tips for how to survive a plane ride with a baby:

1. Choose the right seat: When booking a plane ticket, try to reserve a seat that will be comfortable for both you and your baby. If you are breastfeeding, consider choosing a window seat for some privacy. Even if you aren’t breastfeeding, you may want a window seat for comfort. I always loved being able to lay my head on the window and my arm on the armrest while holding my baby. Having the window seat in an airplane with a baby is also great for suction toys/entertainment. If you need to move around frequently, opt for an aisle seat to avoid disturbing other passengers. A bulkhead seat can also give you more space to put your baby down and play.

2. Time the flight right: It’s important to schedule your flight at a time when your baby is usually calm and sleepy. If possible, try to book a flight during your baby’s naptime or bedtime. That way, you can make sure they sleep comfortably throughout the flight. Can’t make this happen? Don’t fret! It may make the plane ride with a baby more daunting, but it can still be a smooth trip regardless. When our son was a baby, he’d always fall asleep just as we finished our ascent because the plane noises were like a personal sound machine.

Window seat perks!

3. Pack the essentials: Make a checklist of all the necessary items you would need for the flight. Some of the must-haves include diapers (more than you think you’ll need), wipes, bottles, formula, burp cloths, a change of clothes (or 2), and baby food. I always loved storing formula on the go in these! Don’t forget to pack some toys or books to keep your little one entertained. More on this in a later post.

4. Bring a stroller and/or a baby carrier: A stroller can be a lifesaver when traveling with a baby. It helps you navigate through the airport easily and gives your baby something familiar to rest in while waiting for the flight. You can also check in your stroller at the gate or in the cargo area! This truly makes things go more smoothly, plus you’ll likely want a stroller at your destination anyways, so it’s a win-win. I didn’t want to risk our bigger, nice stroller getting broken in transit, so we purchased this lightweight one which we loved!

If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of bringing a stroller, consider using a baby carrier instead. Carriers can free up your hands and keep your baby close to you, which can provide them with a sense of security.

Personally, whenever we went on a plane ride with a baby, we brought both. When our son was really young, the carrier was easier and he preferred it in the airport. In those cases, we checked our stroller in once we arrived at the airport so that we could have it once we were exploring our destination. As he aged and got bigger, we switched to only bringing along a stroller.

6. Feed during takeoff and landing: The change in air pressure during takeoff and landing can cause your baby’s ears to pop (just like ours, but please don’t give your baby gum, lol!) and make them uncomfortable. Feeding your baby during these times can help alleviate the pressure and keep them calm. Another alternative to feeding is a pacifier if your baby uses one. This will also help alleviate the air pressure build up!

7. Prioritize comfort: Dress your baby in comfortable clothes that are easy to change. Avoid overdressing and choose layers that can be easily removed. We personally would change our son’s diaper and put him in jammies right before boarding time. This was his cue that we were going to be going to sleep soon. It seemed to work wonders. I also recommend doubling up the diaper, just in case!

By following these tips, you can survive a plane ride with your baby with ease. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and give yourself (and your baby) grace. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for help from the flight attendants. Your baby’s first flight should be a memorable and enjoyable experience for both of you.

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